*The following is satircal. Trigger warning.*
Steven Furtick, popular pastor of Elevation church, showcased his surreal lack of parenting a rebellious kid living in sin.
That of course is a lie, as it is obvious that all of the backlash Steven, and his son, Elijah, are receiving is nothing more than hatred against the "morally challenged" community, otherwise known as people with Pastor's Kid Syndrome (PKS), a condition which Elijah was diagnosed with just last year.
This scandal should be treated with the compassion that we give to other people groups with mental deficiencies, as they cannot help the actions they do. Elijah Furtick, with his sexual and alcoholic references in his lyrics, and general rebellious lifestyle, is something he cannot help, nor is it behavior he can change.
PKS is something thousands of pastors kids struggle with each year. Science has linked moral upstanding behavior of pastoral parents to a mutation in their gametes of a specific gene known as the "M Gene", otherwise known as the "having a soul" gene. This gene is responsible for giving humans the ability to live moral lives and recognize that what they are doing is wrong. It's not just Elijah Furtick that struggles with this though; millions of pastor's kids are diagnosed each year, probably all of them to be honest.
We need to raise support for PKS, and stop the hatred and judgement upon pastor's kids, because of their lack of moral capacity. Please donate using the sketchy link below to raise awareness and support for Pastor's Kids across the world.
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